Golf Wrist Training AidGolfers are desperate to fix their swing faults and the right golf training aid could be the ticket. The only problem is golfers are junkies for every gadget that comes out.

That’s not a good thing!

If you’re serious about playing better golf, you’ve got to get the specific aid that will fix your swing fault. Stay focused. Do your research (we’ll help you here). And you’ll be on your way to a better game quickly.

See the picture above? That’s a training aid for a golfer who flips his/her wrists through impact. There are two aspects to this fault to pay attention to. you’ll see the one aid to the left in picture keeps the lead or left wrist flat, so it can’t prematurely bend at impact.

The other aid to the right in the picture is a sensory device that helps you maintain your right wrist angle (commonly referred to as lag), as you come down into impact. These are 2 very good, and affordable aids to fix a specific fault. Which again is flipping your wrists through impact.

Fix Your Golf Swing Plane With This TrainerAnother swing fault is an improper golf swing plane. Both on the backswing and more critically coming down into impact.

The majority of golfers come down way too steep. This is a hard fault to fix, but if you can find a swing trainer that allows you to hit balls while you use it, you’ll fix this fault quick.

Look at the picture to your right. That is a golf swing plane trainer. This training tool is excellent at forcing you to stay on plane throughout your swing. When you don’t, you’ll feel it right away and finally get a feeling in both your brain and your muscles of how to do it correctly.

Golf Training Aids Video


Watch this video. This is a great device for a golfer to teach the proper release of the hands through impact. 99% of all amateurs get this wrong. Again, this is a specific aid to educate your hands how to release for maximum power.

Using the proper training aid is much more effective than just going to the range, pounding golf balls, and hoping your swing fault just goes away. Instead, you go to practice with a specific goal in mind. You bring your specific device and you do it over and over again until you ingrain the proper muscle memory so you can take it to the course.

This approach is commonly referred to as sport-specific training, and it’s what all the best athletes do to get to their level, so why wouldn’t you?

I hope you now see how golf training aids can fix your swing faults fast!